Friday, February 21, 2014

Lunette ~ A New way to look at an old problem.

Lets be honest, one of the best parts of being pregnant is not having to deal with aunt Flo every month. I don't know about everyone but for me it is something that I find very embarrassing, and it always seems to come at the worst possible time. I hate that even if you buy the cheapest products you still have to have several of every absorbency just to get though your week of misery. Well, I have found something that is truly life changing and money saving! It is called Lunette and it is a menstrual cup!
I was surfing one day on Facebook, and found an article that a friend had posted about the chemicals that are in feminine products, and how it is very important to use the right absorbency. It spoke about how the chemicals are being linked to cancers of the female reproductive organs, and how you need to be careful. In the comments one woman said that she uses a Diva Cup, which is a similar product. Well, I became very curious! I started reading the reviews on it, and someone had posted that they had started with that and then found Lunette. After about a week of researching I ordered two of the lunette cups.

 As you see there are two models, Both are made of a medical silicone, which means that you will never have to worry about Toxic Shock Syndrome (A condition that can happen when leaving tampons in to long and a bacteria grows). They also have pull tab to help with the removal. They are made in Finland, and are extremely popular in European countries. Each cup is $39.99, and if you buy both with shipping it is around $87.

Model 1 is for lighter/ regular days, it is made of a softer silicone, and they recommend if for those that are first starting to use a cup.

Model 2 is a thinker silicone, and holds much more. It is for regular/heavy days. This one also has a shorter pull tab, And both come with their own storage bags.

I went straight to Lunette here ~

Let me be clear, I was truly worried this was going to be weird. That is wasn't going to work, and that I was going to blow $90! But I had to try, and I am so grateful that I had an open mind. I did a ton of research and the first place I started was Youtube... You would be surprised what people make videos! and I am so grateful for this because this is people being honest.

***** BE CAREFUL!*****
There are so many "Horror" videos,  and I watched them... Though none of them was anything to do with health reasons. Most of them were either, they had a rare condition that causes an odor.

The one video that I found most helpful and I would suggest to anyone looking into this is this one! It helps you to work your cup.

I found this product to be one of the best finds of the century! I am only sad that I didn't learn about it 10+ years ago! Think of the hundreds of $$ I could have saved!

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