Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Year, New Me!!

Hello World! I have decided that I am going to start working on the blog again! Since part of my New Years resolution was to cut chemicals out of my life, this would be a great subject to start blogging about!

Part of my plan is to make my own bread. So far (for the last month) I have made all the bread in my house. I have been given a sour dough start from my best friend, and I am so excited to start talking about all the different recipes that you can make with it!!!

My health goals are to be able to pronounce everything I eat, and to cut out as much processed foods and chemicals as I can. That means making my own dressings, ketchup, cookies, pastas, etc. At first when I started I had imagined that there were just some things that were not possible to make at home, but surprisingly so far I haven't come across anything that I can't make myself!

Welcome to my journey, enjoy the ride!!

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